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Qi - The Vital Energy

What is Qi?

In eastern medicine Qi is considered our “vital energy” that determines our physical and mental health and wellness, you may have heard of prana in Indian cultures and In Greek it’s  called pneuma.worldwide they are all part of the same concept.

In “Chinese philosophy” this vital energy qi is described as the body’s innate intelligence — the intangible yet measurable way we maintain what’s known as balance in the body ,homeostasis, and the body’s ability to regulate its internal environment to create good health,”
Within your acupuncture treatment we try to restore , relax and rebalance your Qi to help you with your in-ate natural healing abilities


Yin Yang

Balance. Harmony.

The two complementary principles of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it. We use this concept to help you maintain balance and good health for your mind body and soul.

Yang Shen


I offer Yang Shen (life style advice) as part of the treatment —including diet and exercise suited specifically for you.

“Institute for Classical Asian Medicine. One key focus of Chinese Medicine is the idea that disease prevention is the superior form of medicine.”

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