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Private Appointment £81/1hr

Multi-bed Appointment £30/45mins

(See below for facial acupuncture, fertility/pregnancy acupuncture).

Acupuncture can help bring the body back to balance, helping to reconnect with the mind body and soul, and especially good to help strengthen the body after illness. Acupuncture can help with women’s genecology health, fertility, and pregnancy as well as menopausal and hormonal symptoms.

Here’s Some of the conditions that acupuncture can help with -
•    Acute and chronic pain
•    Stress
•    Depression and anxiety
•    Fatigue
•    Post viral symptoms.
•    Asthma
•    Toothache and gum complaints

 •    Insomnia and sleeping issues

.•    Headaches and migraines

•    Digestive complaints such as IBS

•    Hormonal Imbalances

•     immune system

•    Incontinence and urinary conditions

•    Skin issues such as eczema / psoriasis

 Private Appointments

 Multibed Appointment

Tui Na

Tui Na - £81/1hr

Tui Na with Acupuncture - £120/90mins

I use Tui Na-Massage along side your acupuncture treatment or as a unique treatment

Tui na is a hands-on body treatment principle to help bring the body into balance. I use techniques such as, stroking, brushing, kneading, rolling, pressing, and rubbing certain areas of the body and get the energy moving in the muscles and the meridians. Techniques may be gentle or quite firm. The name comes from two of the actions: tui means to push and na means to lift and squeeze. This treatment uses Chinese Daoist practice and can feel like a deep meditation relaxing massage. This treatment is especially good for musculoskeletal conditions and can be used alongside acupuncture or as a replacement for needles using acupressure.

Gua Sha


Gua sha can be used as part of your Acupuncture/Tui Na treatments. Gua sha is an ancient technique that I incorporate in some treatments, it is used to relieve acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, improve circulation and reduce inflammation, support the immune system and address upper respiratory illnesses, and release tension in areas where there is restricted movement.

I use may Cupping Therapy in the Acupuncture/Tui Na treatment. Cupping is an ancient form of complementary medicine where special cups are placed on the skin to create suction. Cupping has many uses, including relaxation, pain, inflammation in the body, blood flow, injury and well-being, and can feel like a deep-tissue massage.

Inner Peace Sound Massage

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£81 - 1 hour

An hour of blissful tranquillity. Lets bathe in sound for a truly restorative and rejuvenating experience that balances your chakras and renews your soul. A full body healing with sound and vibrations to reduce stress, assist with pain, relaxation, and more. Handmade Himalayan singing bowls are gently placed on the body (over clothes) and played. The client hears the beautiful rhythmic sounds and feels the soothing vibrations. I also work with other instruments including shamanic drums, bells, and tongue drum.
Great for physical, emotional, and energetic relaxation..

We all vibrate at our own rhythms. When we hear the bowls, our energy entrains with the resonance of the sounds. Modern life and the energy we pick up from the world around us (such as electrical devices) affect our natural rhythms and listening to the pure sound of the bowls balances our mind and body. Singing bowls induce theta brain waves which is perfect for meditation and can facilitate deep relaxation, and healing.Please do let me know if you are pregnant so that she can adjust the treatment for you. Also please note this treatment is not suitable for those with epilepsy.I am trained in off-body techniques such as:- Brainwave/mind detox technique- Foot massage technique- Hand Massage technique.- Spine & back massage technique (good for shoulder pain)- Big bowl on back technique- Stomach & chest big bowl technique- Working with joints technique- Working off body Aura technique.

Crystal Healing

£75 - 1 hour treatment

Crystal healing is a natural and holistic therapy, Crystals have been used for thousands of years to restore health and balance at all levels; emotional, physical, and spiritual. In a crystal healing treatment, crystals are placed on and around the body to help unblock, focus and direct energy, balance the chakras and help the natural healing process. In the treatment Crystals are placed on  your body around the seven chakras . The crystals help to direct universal energy and bring the body mind and soul back to balance.

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1hr treatment -£81


The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei meaning universal, and ki meaning life energy. energy is conducted through the palms of the practitioner. Reiki can be hands placed on the body, sometimes energy/Qi can stagnate in the body from physical and emotional pain and injury and if these blockages are not addressed, they, can cause illness. Reiki is an energetic medicine that aims to help the flow of energy and move blockages like Acupuncture. Reiki can be received with or without crystals. Reiki stimulates your body’s own healing abilities. Reiki can relieve pain, stress, and anxiety. Some randomized trials have shown that it can also reduce fatigue and other health ailments.

Facial Acupuncture

£81 - 1 hour treatment

Is said to naturally help the skin to look smoother, younger and healthier. unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. It’s recognized as effective by the World Health Organization

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Fertility & Pregnancy Acupuncture

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1hr treatment -£81

Package Offer: 6 sessions for the price of 5 - £405


How does acupuncture help fertility?
Acupuncture improves fertility by regulating fertility hormones. Acupuncture also increases the number of good quality eggs, optimises the uterine environment and reduces stress and anxiety levels. Acupuncture improves male fertility by increasing sperm quantity and quality.

How can acupuncture help in pregnancy?
Acupuncture during pregnancy can be beneficial for: Birth preparation. Musculoskeletal pain, e.g., back pain, sciatic nerve pain and pelvic pain. Turning babies from breech, transverse or back-to-back, to head down presentation.

Women's Health

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Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can especially help promote women's health and wellness. It can work to complement western medicine. promoting the regulation of the menstrual cycle, hormones balancing, support pregnancy and recovery, relieve pain, and help with the reduction of  stress and anxiety . Acupuncture can enhance women and couples with natural conception or IVF Acupuncture can help with different life challenges and menopause symptoms. Acupuncture can encourage improvement in sleep, digestion, energy levels and encourage good mental health.

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